Partner at King & Spalding from 2012 to 2017. Prior to that Jane was the co-head of the International Dispute Resolution Group at Bird & Bird which she joined in 2002. Before that, Jane spent 10 years with DLA as head of their London Disputes team and 7 years with Turner Kenneth Brown having qualified as a solicitor in 1987.
Jane was accredited by CEDR in 2001 but has been mediating as counsel since 1992.
Jane undertook the International Advanced Mediation course with MATA (Mediation and Training Alternatives) in 2007 and again in 2016 and was a member of their faculty for training mediators. A panel member of CEDR and on their faculty for training mediators. Jane also mediates through IPOS, ICC and SIMC in Singapore. Additionally, Jane was appointed as a Distinguished Fellow to the International Academy of Mediators in March 2016.